Palliative care and the active work of the anesthesiologist; a reflection from a bioethical point of view

  • admin admin
  • Templos Esteban Luz Adriana



Palliative Care is a comprehensive discipline that is described by the World Health Organization in 1990 as one that is focused on the active and total care of patients with progressive or incurable diseases in whom the management of pain, comfort, and management aspects spiritual, psychological and social.1

In Mexico in December 2014, a document was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation that stated all levels of care in our Health System.2 In the National Development Plan 2013-20183 are mentioned the objectives of the promotion of quality of care in the terminal patient, the promotion of education and the creation of multidisciplinary teams as well as the management of this type of services

How to Cite
admin, admin, & Luz Adriana, T. (2019). Palliative care and the active work of the anesthesiologist; a reflection from a bioethical point of view. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care. Retrieved from

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