Diurnal variation of extremely low frequency electromagnetic field in an empty operating room

  • admin admin
  • Jae Wook Jung
  • Yong Han Kim
  • Gwang Cheol Go
  • Jae Hong Park
  • Sang Yoon Jeon
  • Sang Eun Lee
  • Sira Bang
  • Ki Hwa Lee
  • Ki Hoon Kim
Keywords: Extremely low frequency electromagnetic field, Operating room, Diurnal variation, Electricity


Objective: Extremely low frequency electromagnetic field (ELF-EMF) is harmful to human body and causes various diseases like cancer. ELF-EMF is mainly produced by surgical or anesthetic equipment in operating room. However, it can be made by surrounding electricity without electric device. We measured it in an empty operating room of our hospital over two days and nights.

Methodology: The intensity of ELF-EMF was measured as two-second interval for two days in an empty operating room. One day was divided to three groups; night, morning, and afternoon. Each group continued for three hours due to capacity of ELF-EMF instrument. All of electrical devices were off including lamp, computer and air conditioner. Groups were compared using one-way ANOVA. P<0.05 was considered significant.

Results: Mean value of ELF-EMF during 1st and 2nd night was 1.9459 and 1.9486 respectively. It was lower than data of morning and afternoon (P<0.001). All values (100%) were above 2 mG (micro-Gauss) in daytime. In night time, most of ELF-EMF (99.9%) was below 2 mG.

Conclusion: The intensity of ELF-EMF is higher in an empty daytime operating room than at night time.

Citation: Jung JW, Kim YH, Go GC, Park JH, Jeon SY, Lee SE, Bang S, Lee KH, Kim KH. Diurnal variation of extremely low frequency electromagnetic field in empty operating room. Anaesth Pain & Intensive Care 2013; 17(1):59-62

How to Cite
admin, admin, Jung, J. W., Kim, Y. H., Go, G. C., Park, J. H., Jeon, S. Y., Lee, S. E., Bang, S., Lee, K. H., & Kim, K. H. (2019). Diurnal variation of extremely low frequency electromagnetic field in an empty operating room. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care. Retrieved from https://mail.apicareonline.com/index.php/APIC/article/view/745
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