CASE REPORT – Removal of a large hydatid cyst in spleen

  • Maqsood Ahmad
Keywords: Hydatid cyst; Splenectomy; Laparotomy; Old age


Hydatid disease is caused by the infestation of larvae of Taenia Echinococcus (TE). Humans are infected through faeco-oral route by the ingestion of food and milk, contaminated by dog faeces containing the ova of parasite or direct contact with dogs. After coming out of eggs in the gut, larvae get into the portal circulation and pass through the liver which acts as the first filter. Most of the larvae settle in the liver and lungs, rarely passing to other organ like brain, spleen and mesentery. We describe an incidental finding of huge hydatid cyst spleen in an old lady who presented with long standing generalized vague complaints. The complete removal of cyst was performed with partial splenectomy.

Citation: Ahmad M, Saqib M, Ahmad M, Raees M. Removal of a large hydatid cyst in spleen. Anaesth Pain & Intensive Care 2011;15(1):48-50.

How to Cite
Ahmad, M. (2019). CASE REPORT – Removal of a large hydatid cyst in spleen. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care. Retrieved from
Case Reports