CASE REPORT Perioperative anaphylactic shock in a patient with unruptured hepatic hydatid cyst

  • Iclal Ozdemir Kol
  • Cevdet Duger
  • Kenan Kaygusuz
  • Sinan Gursoy
  • Cengiz Aydin
  • Caner Mimaroglu
Keywords: Hydatid cyst; anaphylactic shock; liver


Hydatid cyst disease is an infection most frequently caused by the larval form of a parasite named Echinococcus granulosus. Spillage of hydatid fluid during open surgery has been shown to result in serious anaphylactic reaction. We report a case of 46 years old male with hydatid cyst of liver, who had a sudden onset of intra-operative hypotension, tachycardia, flushing, edema and bronchospasm. He was managed with adrenaline, antihistaminics, steroids, supplementary fluids and vasopressors, and after successful resuscitation, was shifted to ICU for further management. Four days later, he was weaned off from vasopressors and ventilatory support and shifted to the surgical ward. Early diagnosis and intervention are crucial for successful management of the anaphylactic reactions.

Citation: Kol IO, Duger C, Kaygusuz K, Gursoy S, Aydin C, Mimaroglu C. Perioperative anaphylactic shock in a patient with unruptured hepatic hydatid cyst: a case report. Anaesth Pain & Intensive Care 2011;15(1):45-47.

How to Cite
Kol, I. O., Duger, C., Kaygusuz, K., Gursoy, S., Aydin, C., & Mimaroglu, C. (2019). CASE REPORT Perioperative anaphylactic shock in a patient with unruptured hepatic hydatid cyst. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care. Retrieved from
Case Reports