ORIGINAL ARTICLE – Influence of working conditions on job satisfaction in Indian anesthesiologists: a cross sectional survey

  • Shidhaye R.V.
  • Divekar D.S
  • Gaurav Goel
  • Shidhaye Rahul
Keywords: Indian anesthesiologists; job satisfaction; working conditions


Background: Studies related to job satisfaction in Indian anesthesiologists are very limited which prompted us to design this study to quantify the level of job satisfaction among Indian anesthesiologists and to identify the factors responsible for satisfaction/dissatisfaction.

Study Type and Design: Cross-sectional study based upon a confidential survey.

Location: Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences, Loni (India).

Duration: One year

Methods: A set of questions was handed over personally to the anesthesiologists at National and state level anesthesiology conferences and CMEs, and filled proformas were collected. Confidentiality and anonymity of the participants was maintained. Main outcome measures were demographics, anesthesia practice, overall job satisfaction, anaesthetic assistance, surgeons’ perceived attitude, attitude towards other colleague anesthesiologists, and patients’ perceived attitude towards them.

Results: Response rate was 96%. Seventy eighty percent respondents reported full satisfaction. Female anesthesiologists and male anesthesiologists working in teaching hospitals were more satisfied. (P < 0.01). Forty nine percent respondents were satisfied with the assistance in operating rooms; 51% felt they were duly respected by the surgeons; and 50% expressed satisfaction with recognition of their services by patients. Two main factors for the dissatisfaction were lack of resources/equipment and low recognition of anesthesia services by the patients.

Conclusions: Although job satisfaction level in Indian anesthesiologists is quite high, still there is a need to set the standards related to number of working hours, number of night call duties per week, enforcing proper assistance, raising the profile of anesthesiologists among general public, improving funding and resources for OT, which would help reduce occupational stress and further improve efficiency and job satisfaction among anesthesiologists.

Citation: Shidhaye RV, Divekar DS, Goel G, Shidhaye R. Influence of working conditions on job satisfaction in Indian anesthesiologists: a cross sectional survey. Anaesth pain & Intensive Care 2011;15(1):30-37.

How to Cite
R.V., S., D.S, D., Goel, G., & Rahul, S. (2019). ORIGINAL ARTICLE – Influence of working conditions on job satisfaction in Indian anesthesiologists: a cross sectional survey. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care. Retrieved from https://mail.apicareonline.com/index.php/APIC/article/view/972
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