CASE REPORT – Antigravity lift technique is helpful in difficult intubation in patients with large goiters

  • M Iqbal Memon
  • M Ashraf
Keywords: Difficult airway; antigravity lift


A 45 years old female with huge goiter presented for thyroidectomy. She had history of snoring and dysnea, airway evaluation revealed Mallampatti 2, IIG 3F, but temporomendibular distance (TMD) and sternomendibular distance (SMD) were impossible to measure due to grossly enlarged thyroid. Radiological examination revealed displacement of trachea towards right. After induction and depolarizer relaxation laryngoscopy was performed and Cormack Lehane 4, POGO zero was observed. With our technique of antigravity lifting, vocal cords were visualized making intubation possible with endotracheal tube on stylet.

Citation: Memon MI, Ashraf M. Antigravity lift technique is helpful in difficult intubation in patients with large goiters (Case report). Anaesth Pain & Intensive Care 2009;13(2):78-80

How to Cite
Memon, M. I., & Ashraf, M. (2019). CASE REPORT – Antigravity lift technique is helpful in difficult intubation in patients with large goiters. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care. Retrieved from
Case Reports