EDITORIAL – Should humans be used as a teaching tool? ….Simulation in Anaesthesia

  • Dr Shahab Naqvi HOD, Department of Cardiac Anaesthesia AFIC/NIHD, Rawalpindi (Pakistan)


On 13th of April 1970 the Apollo XIII astronauts notified their mission control that a devastating explosion in one of the oxygen tanks had taken place. At that time they were thousands of miles away from the earth moving very fast in an unknown direction. Lives of all three of them i.e. Fred Haise, John Swigret and James Lovell were in great danger.

How to Cite
Naqvi, D. S. (2019). EDITORIAL – Should humans be used as a teaching tool? ….Simulation in Anaesthesia. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care. Retrieved from https://mail.apicareonline.com/index.php/APIC/article/view/959