Thyroid disorders during pregnancy and anesthetic considerations

  • Dr. Sushma K Sannaboraiah
Keywords: Thyroid disorders; Pregnancy; Anesthesia


Our knowledge about thyroid function during pregnancy has made rapid strides in the recent past. However, there are not much published reports in anesthesia literature regarding these newer developments. Even though an anesthesiologist is not the primary care physician, he/she may occasionally encounter pregnant patients with thyroid dysfunction in routine practice of anesthesia. This article aims to update anesthesiologists about recent developments in understanding of thyroid physiology during pregnancy, effects of thyroid dysfunction on mother and fetus, interpretation of thyroid function tests as well as treatment and anesthetic considerations.

How to Cite
Sannaboraiah, D. S. K. (2019). Thyroid disorders during pregnancy and anesthetic considerations. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care, 302-307.
Review Article