30th Annual Conference PSA (Karachi Chapter)

  • admin admin


The 30th Annual Conference of Pakistan Society of Anesthesiologists (Karachi Chapter) was held at Hotel Marriott Karachi on 8th & 9thMay 2010. The theme of the conference was “Safety First”, reflecting that safe and quality practice is much needed at this time.The overall scientific activity spanned over six days. There were 5 workshops, 22 lectures, 10 resident papers, 24 posters, 2 product presentations, and 8 extremely useful and well attended breakfast sessions with experts.

The main scientific sessions (8-9 May 2010) were preceded by five pre-conference workshops in different institutions of Karachi on CPR, Airway Management, NMJ Monitoring, Acute Haemorrhage Management and Invasive Monitoring.

The Main Conference commenced on 8th May 2010 (Saturday) on time with the Guest of honour Dr. Ziauddin in the chair. Later on the chief guest of the occasion Dr. Sagheer Ahmed, H’able Minister of Health also joined.

Later on Professor and Patron of PSA Dr. S T Sultan launched PSA website. He applauded the effort of Dr. M Kashif Iqbal, an active member and an IT enthusiast, who has been working hard on the launch of website. After launching, the audience were captivated by twenty minutes of PSA-WEB presentation which covered decades of anaesthesia progress in Pakistan.

How to Cite
admin, admin. (2019). 30th Annual Conference PSA (Karachi Chapter). Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care. Retrieved from https://mail.apicareonline.com/index.php/APIC/article/view/778

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