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14th Annual conference PSA Lahore

14th Annual conference PSA Lahore was held on Friday 24th Feb 2012 at Marriot Hotel, Lahore. The conference consisted of three sessions; First session involved three papers on ‘Ventilatory Strategies’ by Prof.  Salman Waris, ‘Tackling Resistant Microorganisms in ICU’ by Brig. Naveed Masood and ‘Severe Sepsis Bundles’ by Maj Gen Shahab Naqvi. A panel discussion on ‘Counseling and breaking bad news in ICU’ concluded this discussion.

The second session comprised of papers on ‘Neuro-behaviuor Effects of Anesthetics’ by Prof. Fauzia A Khan, ‘Cardiac Lesion for Non cardiac Surgery’ by Dr. Saeeda Asaf and ‘Perioperative Fluid Management’ by Dr. Faisal Salim.

In third session, free papers were presented; ‘Updates of Anesthesia for Bariatric Surgery’ by Dr. Khalid Rauf, ‘Awareness during General Anesthesia’ by Prof. Saeeda Haider, ‘Future of Anesthesia: Challenges and Opportunities’ by Dr. Arshad Taqi and ‘Dengue Fever: Anesthetic Challenges’ by Dr. M Ishaq. Some free papers were also presented and a PSA business meeting was held.


5th Annual Conference on Pain Management of STSP, Lahore was held on Saturday 25th February 2012 at Marriot Hotel, Lahore. The conference consisted of three sessions; First session was started by Introduction to Conference by Dr Khalid Bashir and Brig M. Salim, President STSP; followed by four papers on;

Headache: An Update: Dr Gauhar Afshan

Low Dose Spinal for C- Section: Dr Faruq Atiq

Post dural Puncture Headache: An Update: Dr Aliya Ahmed

Intravenous Regional Anaesthesia: Role in Current Practice?: Dr Safia Zafar Siddiqui

Five Crises in Pain Management: Dr Jamil Sabit

The second session also comprised of five papers;

Acute Pain Management: Problems in Developing Countries : Prof. Khalid bashir

Acute Pain Management: Current Practice in a Developed Country: Dr Us man Bashir (UK)

Back Pain: Current Approach to Begin with: Brig. Asif Gul Kiyani

Use of Ultrasound in Pain Therapy: Dr Rubyna Khan

Anticoagulants & Regional Anaesthesia: Current Evidence: Dr Tariq Hayat Khan

It was followed by lunch and prayer break. Then the third session was held, which comprised of a Pro-Con debate on ‘Peripheral nerve blocks Vs Central neuraxial block: Peripheral nerve blocks should be preferred over Central neuraxial block in lower limb orthopedic surgery’.

Dr Shamila Ather was the moderator, while the penalists were Prof Khawar Ali, Prof M. Akram and Prof Wasim Ismat. In the end 6 papers of 10 min each  on original work in pain & regional anesthesia were presented. Awards were offered for 2 best papers.


First National Research Symposium on Anaesthesia, Pain and Critical Care

March 3rd and 4th, 2012.

Department of Anaesthesia, Aga Khan University organized the “First National Research Symposium on Anaesthesia, Pain and Critical Care” on March 3rd and 4th, 2012.

The objectives of this conference were to promote research in the field of anaesthesia, pain and critical care and to make research, one of the key components of clinical practice.

It is important for health care professionals to understand the principles of research, as it underpins evidence based medicine. It helps in asking the right question, which leads to initiating a research project. It is also important to understand the concept of study design and statistics to conduct a research project related to your question. Besides it is also essential to be able to critically appraise published research and form a judgment as to whether the conclusion presented can be implemented in our own practice.

These skills are best acquired through exposure that can be gained through appropriate courses, journal clubs or attending research symposium, where one can exchange and share research experience in the field of anaesthesia and critical care with experts on this field.

Scientific program of this symposium began with one day workshops on March 3rd 2012 on “Protocols writing “and “How to search medical literature”.

Day 2 scientific program on March 4th, 2012 had plenary session on how to begin research and essentials of randomized controlled trial. It was followed by pro and con debate and panel discussion on opportunities for anaesthesia research in Pakistan.

There was free paper and poster session. Winners of the free paper and poster presentation were awarded cash prizes, certificates and shield.

CME points were awarded to the participants (Day 01 Workshops 02 credit hours (each workshop) and Day 02 lectures 04 credit hours)

How to Cite
admin, admin. (2019). ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care. Retrieved from

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