Tracheoinnominate artery fistula – A case report with a review of the clinical management

  • admin admin
  • Dr Divya Jain
Keywords: Tracheostomy, Tracheal intubation, Tracheoinnnominate artery fistula


Poor intensive care practices are to be blamed for development of any complication of prolonged tracheal intubation. Especially, the complications of subglottic stenosis or more rarely, a fistula between the tracheal wall and the innominate artery cannot be justified on any account. Yet, these complications may occasionally be seen in underdeveloped countries with poor nursing training and meager resources. We present a case report of this fatal complication in a 17 years old patient of tetanus who underwent surgical tracheostomy for mechanical ventilation and subsequently developed a fatal massive bleeding.

How to Cite
admin, admin, & Jain, D. D. (2019). Tracheoinnominate artery fistula – A case report with a review of the clinical management. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care. Retrieved from
Case Reports

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