Perinatal asphyxia

  • admin admin
  • Professor Naeem Khan


Professor Naeem Khan
HoD, Pediatric Surgery, KRL General Hospital, Islamabad
Baby was delivered via spontaneous vaginal delivery after 35 weeks gestation in a peripheral hospital. Apgar score 1 was zero. Resuscitation done for 10 min successfully, was intubated and ventilated. Chest x-ray and CT scan chest showed Rt lung collapse. Chest showed severe retraction, and the neonate developed pectum excavatum over 10 days. There was a suspicion of pulmonary agenesis and pulmonary angiography was suggested. In our hospital deep suction of the tracheobronchial tree was done, and a large meconium plug was removed. The right lung inflated successfully and condition of the baby improved.


How to Cite
admin, admin, & Naeem Khan, P. (2019). Perinatal asphyxia. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care. Retrieved from

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