PSA centre celebrates world anesthesia day

  • admin admin
  • Dr. M Kashif Iqbal



PSA Centre Celebrates 
World Anesthesia Day

This year (2016) Pakistan Society of Anesthesiologists Centre decided to celebrate World Anesthesia Day in the coastal city of Gawadar. The journey began in the morning of Friday, October 14, 2016 from the PSA head office (PMA House Karachi). The convoy of 187 honorable guests from around the country reached Hotel PC Gawadar in the evening.

On Saturday October 15, 2016 the inaugural ceremony was started with the recitation of Holy Quran by Dr Muhammad Zaid. Dr. Abdul Malik Baloch, President PSA Centre welcomed the guests and delegates at Gawadar. Next the Patron speech delivered by Prof. S Tipu Sultan. Mr Mir Rahmat Saleh Baloch, Minister of Health, Govt. of Balochistan was the chief guest of the eremony. He appreciated PSA Centre for the vision of organizing World Anesthesia Day in Gawadar, Balochistan. Vote of thanks given by Dr Syed Hamid Ali, Gen. Secretary, PSA Karachi.

Scientific session started with a Plenary lecture on the “Role of Anesthesiologists in reducing maternal mortality” delivered by Prof. Saeeda Haider, followed by residents free paper contest. The first prize won by Dr Muhammad Zaid, anesthesia resident R-II, from the Indus Hospital Karachi.

A project of International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) on “Healthcare in danger” was conducted by ICRC team lead by Dr. Sheeraz. Introduction to the Healthcare in danger project and the research on violence against health conducted in Karachi were described Mr. Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, Federal Minister for ports & shipping was the chief guest of the 

How to Cite
admin, admin, & Iqbal, D. M. K. (2019). PSA centre celebrates world anesthesia day. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care. Retrieved from

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