The 16th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists Conference 2016, Hong Kong – Reflection

  • Amreen Majeed Awan


I and  two other colleagues of mine  attended the  World Congress of Anaesthesiologists Conference as both paper presenters and  as post  graduate trainees of Shaukat Khanum  memorial Cancer  Hospital & Research  Centre, Lahore.  The  16th  World  Congress of Anaesthesiologists (WCA  2016)    continued  its   successful    international path  by providing a scientific  and  networking platform in the  exciting  city of Hong  Kong from  28 August  to  2 September, 2016.

WCA 2016  is the  premium event  that  ensures all areas of anaesthesiology and  its sub-specialities are presented to  a  truly  global  audience, with  over  9000  delegates attending the  congress. The  programme showcased the latest research and findings in anaesthesia, pain medicine and intensive care as well as delivered the benchmark for best practice.

The  7  day  conference  began   with   a  warm   welcome from  the  President of  World  Federation of  Society  of Anaesthesiologists (WFSA), Dr David Wilkinson,  whom  I met  twice before  in the  11th  South  Asian Association  for Regional Cooperation – Association of Anaesthesiologists (SAARC-AA), Nepal and 13th International Conference on Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care (Apicon),  Pakistan.

How to Cite
Awan, A. M. (2019). The 16th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists Conference 2016, Hong Kong – Reflection. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care. Retrieved from