Bezold Jarisch reflex as a cause of haemodynamic alterations during surgery in prone position

  • Sanjay Agrawal Department of Neuroanaesthesia , Apollo Hospital, Bilaspur
  • Vineet Srivastava Department of Neuroanaesthesia , Apollo Hospital, Bilaspur
Keywords: Prone position, General anaesthesia, Bezold Jarisch reflex, Hypotension, Bradycardia


Haemodynamic dysfunction and cardiac conduction abnormality in patients undergoing spine surgery in prone position is multifactorial. Here we present a case report of an elderly male patient undergoing multiple level dissectomy under general anaesthesia, who developed bradycardia and hypotension after prolonged surgery and was managed successfully. The case description and review of literature is presented

How to Cite
Agrawal, S., & Srivastava, V. (2019). Bezold Jarisch reflex as a cause of haemodynamic alterations during surgery in prone position. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care, 115-117. Retrieved from
Case Reports