The Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation: Pioneering success in safety but challenges remain

  • admin admin
  • Robert K. Stoelting Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation
Keywords: Anesthesia safety, Patient safety, Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation, APSF, Simulation, Automated Information Systems, Evidenced-Based Medicine, ASA


The practice of anesthesiology has emerged as a science as well as an art, which has made heroic surgical interventions
possible, for example surgery on a heart with severely compromised myocardium and heart and liver transplantation
etc. The constant struggle to remove the risks and adverse outcome during the conduct of anesthesia has lead a stream
of protocols and guidelines. The Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation (APSF), created in 1985, is a step forward to
create awareness about safety as well as present practical measures to enhance safety all around the globe. This editorial
highlights the vital role being played by APSF regarding anesthesia safety.

How to Cite
admin, admin, & Stoelting, R. K. (2019). The Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation: Pioneering success in safety but challenges remain. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care, 109-110. Retrieved from
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