Unrecognised peripartum cardiomyopathy will have dire consequences

  • Mohammad Shafiq Rehman Medical Institute, Peshawar (Pakistan)
  • Riaz Ahmed Khan Rehman Medical Institute, Peshawar (Pakistan)
  • Azam Khan Rehman Medical Institute, Peshawar (Pakistan)
  • Ameena Shah Rehman Medical Institute, Peshawar (Pakistan)
  • Safder Hussain Rehman Medical Institute, Peshawar (Pakistan)
Keywords: Peripartum cardiomyopathy, Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, Orthopnea, Cesarean section


We report an undiagnosed case of Peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) in our tertiary care hospital, who
presented for an elective cesarean section (CS) with cough and orthopnea in her late gestational period. She
was treated for upper respiratory tract infection; whereas her heart failure leading to pulmonary edema causing
cough and orthopnea, remained unidentified and thus uninvestigated. The disease was only diagnosed during
the postoperative period when she suffered from cardiac arrest and had to be ventilated mechanically. She
was effectively managed after correct diagnosis; weaned successfully off the ventilator and transferred to the
Obstetrics/Gynecology ward in a stable conditio

How to Cite
Shafiq, M., Khan, R. A., Khan, A., Shah, A., & Hussain, S. (2019). Unrecognised peripartum cardiomyopathy will have dire consequences. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care, 195-197. Retrieved from https://mail.apicareonline.com/index.php/APIC/article/view/443
Case Reports