Sepsis Guidelines for Pakistan

  • Konrad Director, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Jena University Hospital, Chairman Global Sepsis Alliance, Erlanger Allee 101 07747 Jena (Germany)
  • Niranjan Kissoon Director, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Jena University Hospital, Chairman Global Sepsis Alliance, Erlanger Allee 101 07747 Jena (Germany)
Keywords: Sepsis, Guidelines, Critical Care, emergency


Pakistan Society of Critical Care Medicine (PSCCM) and the Sepsis Guidelines for Pakistan (SGP)
Committee took an important step to improve the care of sepsis patients in Pakistan by adapting the
Surviving Sepsis Campaign (SSC) guidelines to the local needs. The document was carefully reviewed
and approved by the executive board of Global Sepsis Alliance (GSA). The important task ahead is to
disseminate the guidelines by the use of protocols and standard operating procedures championed by
dedicated clinicians across the three tiered healthcare system of the country.

How to Cite, K., & Kissoon, N. (2019). Sepsis Guidelines for Pakistan. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care, 105-107. Retrieved from
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