World Sepsis Day in Pakistan

  • Madiha Hashmi Assistant Professor, Aga Khan University, Stadium Road, P.O. Box 3500, Karachi (Pakistan)
Keywords: Sepsis, Guidelines, Critical Care


Celebration of World Sepsis Day at a global level started just three years back, and the immense importance
of this celebration was not lost to Pakistan Society of Anaesthesiologists (PSA) and Pakistan Society of
Critical Care Medicine (PSCCM). Both these organizations were quick to grasp the opportunity to use it
to achieve the common goal of enhancing the level of awareness about sepsis and prevention of sepsis
among the healthcare professionals as well as higher authorities. The result was multiple international
academic events being organized regularly across the country as well as the adoption of National Sepsis
Guidelines. The struggle to create more awareness about sepsis continues.

How to Cite
Hashmi, M. (2019). World Sepsis Day in Pakistan. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care, 103-104. Retrieved from
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