Efficacy of intravenous tramadol in reduction of propofol induced pain

  • Syed Ali Raza Ali shah Pak Field Hospital, Darfur, Sudan
  • Ra’ana Hammad Bukhari Combined Military Hospital Rawalpindi (Pakistan)
  • Syeda Sarah Naqvi Armed Forces Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine (AFIRM), Convoy Road, Rawalpindi (Pakistan)
Keywords: Pain, Propofol, Tramadol, Lignocaine


Objectives: propofol is one of the mainly used intravenous anaesthetic used around the globe.however, it is commonly associated with intravascular pain at the time of administration. In this study, we wanted to determine the effectiveness of tramadol in comparison to lignocaine in reducing propofol induced pain.

How to Cite
shah, S. A. R. A., Bukhari, R. H., & Naqvi, S. S. (2019). Efficacy of intravenous tramadol in reduction of propofol induced pain. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care, 150-153. Retrieved from https://mail.apicareonline.com/index.php/APIC/article/view/251
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