A comparison between the effectiveness of vibration with Dentalvibe and benzocaine gel in relieving pain associated with mandibular injection: a randomized clinical trial

  • Rahaf Dak- Albab Department Dental College, Damascus University, Al-Mazzeh Street, Damascus, (Syria)
  • Mohammad Bashier Al- Monaqel Department Dental College, Damascus University, Al-Mazzeh Street, Damascus, (Syria)
  • Rana Koshha Department Dental College, Damascus University, Al-Mazzeh Street, Damascus, (Syria)
  • Hisham Shakhashero Department Dental College, Damascus University, Al-Mazzeh Street, Damascus, (Syria)
  • Rania Soudan
Keywords: Vibration, DentalVibe, Gel; Pain, Anesthesia, Local


Introduction: Mandibular nerve block injection (MNBI) is considered as one of the most painful injections, especially in children. Various recent studies have compared the use of pharmaceutical drugs, including some non-pharmaceutical methods applied to relieve pain in dental practice. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of the use of a drugless method by applying vibration at the injection site to reduce pain associated with (MNBI).
Methodology: A cross-over, double-blind randomized clinical trial was carried out during 2014 to 2015 at Pediatric Dentistry department in the Dental College, Damascus University, where 60 MNBI were given to 30 children, aged 8 to 12 years. Each child received 2 MNBI in both right and left side of mandibular jaw, with 1-2 weeks apart. Topical analgesic (benzocaine 20%) gel was applied in 15 children, while 15 children received MNBI with vibration using DentalVibe at the injection side. Two high quality digital cameras were used to record children’s reactions to pain during injections, on face in particular and the whole body in general. Two external evaluators were also employed to assess the pain reaction using FLACC scale for pain assessment.
Results: Pain intensity decreased from 5.57 when used topical gel into (3.36) when used vibration with DentalVibe device. Significant differences were recorded (P=0.002) for the benefit of vibration technique with DentalVibe in the injection site compared with the topical benzocaine 20% gel.
Conclusion: Our study proves that vibration technique with DentalVibe device can be used as a simple and effective method to alleviate pain associated with dental injections as compared to traditional topical analgesic gels.
Citation: Dak-Albab R, Al-Monaqel MB, Koshha R, Shakhashero H, Soudan R. A comparison between the effectiveness of vibration with Dentalvibe and benzocaine gel in relieving pain associated with mandibular injection: a randomized clinical trial. Anaesth Pain & Intensive Care 2016;20(1):43-49.

How to Cite
Albab, R. D.-, Monaqel, M. B. A.-, Koshha, R., Shakhashero, H., & Soudan, R. (2019). A comparison between the effectiveness of vibration with Dentalvibe and benzocaine gel in relieving pain associated with mandibular injection: a randomized clinical trial. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care, 43-49. Retrieved from https://mail.apicareonline.com/index.php/APIC/article/view/225
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