National anesthesia mentoring program

  • Tariq Hayat Khan Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Management, KRL General Hospital, G-9/1, Mauve Area, Islamabad (Pakistan)
Keywords: Mentors, Mentorship, Mentee, Anesthesia


Pakistan has a big population, with large parts mainly centered in larger cities and towns, although majority of the population is scattered in villages and remote areas. A major part of the healthcare facilities and professionals are thus concentrated in towns and cities. The anesthesiologists who have to serve in peripheral areas remain cut off from the more fortunate and more experienced senior colleagues serving in the larger institutions with better facilities. Hence, they have little access to the opportunities to enhance their professional competence. To fulfil the gap, a WhatsApp group, ‘Anesthetists Support Group’ was started by some of our Pakistani colleagues currently serving in UK with collaboration of their Pakistani counterparts. The group has recently conducted a national survey and proposed to have a countrywide mentoring program to provide an opportunity to these peripheral anesthesiologists to enable them to seek help in case of emergencies and enhance their professional competence.

Key words: Mentors; Mentorship; Mentee; Anesthesia

Citation: Khan TH. National anesthesia mentoring program. Anaesth Pain & Intensive Care 2016;20(3):259-260

How to Cite
Khan, T. H. (2019). National anesthesia mentoring program. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care, 259-260. Retrieved from
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