Requirement and response pattern for sedatives in COVID-19 patients requiring non-invasive ventilation: A pilot observation
Patients in a critical care unit (CCU) are exposed to multiple external stimuli and an unfamiliar environment, in addition to the rigors of their primary disease; all of these are the stress factors for the patient. Titrated sedation has a pivotal role in easing the stress. Sedation also helps patients better tolerate procedural pain and discomfort.
Key words: Sedatives; COVID-19; Ventilation, non–invasive
Citation: Nayak P, Karim HMR. Requirement and response pattern for sedatives in COVID-19 patients requiring non–invasive ventilation: A pilot observation. Anaesth. pain intensive care 2022;26(2):260-262; DOI: 10.35975/apic.v26i2.1809
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