A Formation of a true knot in subclavian venous catheter in a patient in the intensive care unit

  • Dmytro Anatoliovich Shkurupii Separate division of the Association of Anesthesiologists of Ukraine in the Poltava region
  • Dmytro Anatoliovich Kholod, Ph.D. Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6381-216X
Keywords: Сatheterization, Сlinical Event, Complications, Node, Subclavian Vein.


Vascular catheters installation is most frequently used in critical care units. A node in the catheter lumen is a rare mechanical complication of the central venous catheterization. The 14-year-old was treated for acute appendicitis complicated by diffuse purulent peritonitis. It was decided to install a central venous catheter on the very first day of treatment. A catheterization of the right subclavian vein according to Seldinger was carried out. The catheter functioned properly for 6 days. On the 7th day, in the process of removal of the catheter, its extraction was blocked at a 1 cm depth from the tip. The catheter was removed by strong physical force with the occurrence of a hematoma in the area of installation of the catheter. Once removed, on the catheter there was found a node, formed inside the vessel. In this case, no disabling and life-threatening complications as a result of the use of the catheter were recorded. In the future, the patient was discharged recovered.

How to Cite
Shkurupii, D., & Kholod, D. (2020). A Formation of a true knot in subclavian venous catheter in a patient in the intensive care unit. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care, 24(6), 664-666. https://doi.org/10.35975/apic.v24i6.1372
Case Reports