Ultrasound is here to stay!

  • Tariq H. Khan Consultant Anesthesiologist & Pain Specialist
Keywords: Ultrasound, Ultrasonography, Imaging, Radiodiagnostics, Interventional pain management, Maternal mortality


Only in a few decades, ultrasonography has revolutionized the diagnostic approach in many of the medical specialties. Although the obstetricians were the first ones to use it to the advantage of the patients, many other medical and surgical specialties followed them. Anesthesiologists were not very late in this race, and they soon studied and found its multiple uses in the practice of anesthesiology, interventional pain management, intensive care, trauma and resuscitation. Huge cost on the ultrasound machines, administrative inertias and lack of adequate training facilities have been the main obstacles in adopting this modality to its full potential in non-developed countries. It’s the need of the time that cheaper but adequate versions of the machines are developed and due stress is laid on the professional training in its use at all postgraduate training courses.

Ultrasound is here to stay!

How to Cite
Khan, T. H. (2019). Ultrasound is here to stay!. Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care, 131-133. Retrieved from https://mail.apicareonline.com/index.php/APIC/article/view/105
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